Barbara Boninsegna
LIVE WORKS curator since 2013.
Since 1981 Barbara Boninsegna is the artistic director of the festival “Drodesera”, presenting some of the best contemporary live-art.
Together with Hana Barata (Lisbon) and Juan Eduardo Lopez (Barcellona), she co-founds Città Che Danzano CQD, an international network that during the ‘90s explored the trend of dance-architecture worldwide. In 2005 she co-founds the “Premio Internazionale della Performance” in collaboration with Galleria Civica di Arte Contemporanea of Trento. In 2007, through winning an important call, she founds FIES FACTORY ONE, the first project in Italy to support young Italian artists on a long-term basis through curatorial assistance and a residency program.
Since 2013 is co-curator of LIVE WORKS, within which establishes and curate a permanent collection of performance art works. She is currently artistic director of Centrale Fies, a center for artist residencies and studies on contemporary languages.
Simone Frangi
LIVE WORKS curator since 2013.
Cultural researcher, writer and curator.
He holds a french-italian PhD in Aestethics and Theory of Art. From 2013 to 2017 he has been artistic director of Viafarini – Non profit Organization for Contemporary Artistic Research (Milan, IT).
He currently co-directs Live Works – Performance Act Award at Centrale Fies (Trento, IT) and A Natural Oasis? Transnational Research Programme organized by Little Constellation - Network of Contemporary Art focused on Geo-cultural Micro-areas and Small States of Europe for BJCEM.
He’s Lecturer on Theory of Contemporary Art at Fine Arts and Design Academy in Grenoble (FR) - where he founded the workshop and residency based research program “Practices of Hospitality”.
In 2015, he was one of the five curators of the 10th edition of Furla Prize for Contemporay Art and in 2016 one of the ten curator of Quadriennale of Rome. In 2018 he will be guest curator at Museion (Bozen) where he will present the program Somatechnics. Transparent travelers and obscure nobodies (May - September 2018).
Krystel Khoury
Krystel Khoury is from Beirut (1983). Trained first as a dancer, Krystel graduated in Performing Arts (Lumière University of Lyon) and got a PhD in Anthropology of Intercultural Dynamics (Auvergne University) in France. Since 2006, she has been conceiving cultural initiatives and exchange programs between artists from the two sides of the Mediterranean and has been involved in transnational dance and theatre research as well as creative projects in Alexandria, Athens, Beirut, Cairo, Paris, Lyon, and Antwerp among others. Apart from being a lecturer in Dance studies at Lumière University of Lyon (2007 to 2010), her research focuses on dance transmission and choreographic artistic practices analysis from an anthropological perspective. Recently, she was the artistic director/dramaturge of the Open Border Ensemble project at The Münchner Kammerspiele (2017-2019). Today she works at Mophradat asbl and is a professor at ISAC (Institut des Arts et des Chorégraphies) at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts, in Brussels.
Daniel Blanga Gubbay
LIVE WORKS curator from 2015 to 2018.
Daniel Blanga Gubbay is a researcher and curator. He graduated at the Architecture University in Venice with Giorgio Agamben and got a PhD in Cultural Studies between the universities of Palermo,Valencia and FUBerlin. He teaches at the Royal Art Academy in Brussels, coordinating the Arts and Choreography department. He works as programmer for the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels, and is part of the curatorial board of LiveWorks. He is the initiator of Aleppo, a platform for open and free public programs in performance and discursive practices.
Denis Isaia
LIVE WORKS curator from 2013 to 2016.
Cultural researcher and contemporary art curator. In 2006 he initiates Best Art Practices, a competition for young curators. In 2007 wins the Borsa Arte Giovane, an award for young curators hosted by the city of Genova. In 2008 is assistant to Raqs Media Collective at Manifesta 7, co-curating 45 events in 111 days as part of the project Tabula Rasa. In the same year he founds the Premio europeo alle passioni di lungo corso. His research focuses on heterodox cultural practices. From 2013 to 2016 he was co-curator of LIVE WORKS, Performance Art Award presso Centrale Fies.
Since 2014 he is curator at Mart Museo di arte moderna contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto.